Last week, I was the guest of the Istanbul Talks organized by the Istanbul City Council. While recording the interview, a document that I wanted so much was being auctioned. I set my final price according to my budget and made my bid seconds before the talk started. After about an hour of talk, where the clock is ticking, my first job was to look at the result of the auction. I had good luck and the document joined our archive. After I went to the auction house and received the document in person, I asked my dear collector friend Ulvi Sulaoğlu for its Ottoman translation. I especially wanted to share the photographs of the notebook, which he wrote diligently in order to be able to read comfortably, in order to show the effort spent. God bless his hands and thanks for his effort.
While I was preparing the document for publication, I realized that Adalar Postası made an admirable work for the entire document (all islands) based on the copy found in the Salt Research Archive. If I had not seen and examined the only copy before, I would not have understood how valuable it is from the catalog and not participate in the auction. Thank you once again to Salt on this subject.
After a long opening clause, I would like to introduce you Türkiye Salon ve İlanat Gazetesi 1341 (1926) Adalar Ticaret Rehberi [Turkey Saloon and Announcement Newspaper 1341 (1926) - Islands Trade Guide]. Composed of 24 pages in total, only half of the last page of the guide belongs to Burgaz island. There are tremendous information that will shed light on the history of Burgaz island, such as the ruins of the ancient prayer hall under the Historical Hotel Building, the names of the Old Board and the Officers, the managers of the Indos and Aya Nikola casinos. Below you can find the translation of the cover page and Burgaz island section, respectively.

It is published in Turkish and French once a month in Istanbul. TRADE GUIDE ISLANDS SECTION Buyukada, Heybeli, Kinali, Burgaz
Turkey is supplied with Turkey Saloon and Announcement A Newspaper, also it not sold. Local administration: Opposite the new post office, MEYDANCIK Han 24 1341 (1926)

BURGAZ ISLAND Officials Police Department: Apartment on Karakol street in Burgaz Deputy ---------- Rıfkı Ali Bey Crew ---------- Six effendis Municipal Officials: First Class ---------- Abdulkadir Efendi Second grade ---------- Aziz Efendi Post telegraph: Manager ---------- Yusuf Cemal Bey Board of Alderman: Tevfik Bey, Niko Efendi, Cemal Bey, Mehmet Süreyya Bey, Hasan Bey, Dimitri Efendi. Some information about Burgaz island:
Turkey in the period in which they shelter on the island in the Mediterranean maritime dominated the Turkish sailors, two hundred years since they had their property seized under the cover of Greek religion (Church) and education (School) are taken back gradually with the spirit of independence and sovereignty.
During the construction of ferry pier, it was understood that there is an ancient prayer and mosque in the casino area in front of the Sinyosoğlu Hotel (Historical Hotel Building). This place will be cleaned and the mosque will be given to the construction of a temple worthy of our nationality. In Büyükada, detinuing has begun with casino like Dil, Amusement Park, Big Tour, Ayanikola, Hristos and similar estates. AYA NICOLA CASINO Manager: Anastas It is in the exceptional location of Burgaz island, overlooking the Marmara and the islands and enchanted by pines. Soft drinks are free. It is recommended for those who want to get air in the summer. INDOS CASINO Manager: Mike In Indos area, it is an airy casino covered with pines on the beach. Beer, liquor and similar soft drinks are free. Recommended for families. Burgaz island has a pharmacy, bakery, wigar (barber), grocery store, water tank and is strict to the needs of the island. There is no hotel. The weather is very good.

Handwritten translation notes by Ulvi Sulaoğlu:
Excuse us for any mistakes in typing or translation
Mahmud Bey Printing House; For the complete 157-page Trade Guide published by Âmedi Printing House in Istanbul:
For the translations of the Islands Trade Guide, I recommend you to follow Adalar Postası.